Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Project 1 Microsoft Review Project

I entered my new position knowing very little about my students and their knowledge base. However I did know that in 9th grade our students focused their learning skills on typing and MS Office projects. What should I teach them in 10th grade? I had so many questions racing through my head I didn't know where to start.
What had they learned in the previous year?
How much did they remember?
How focused are they?
Do they take pride in their work?
So I began with the obvious - a review project. Little did I know this would be one of my largest projects of the marking period and also take more time then expected.

The MS Review Project

Objective: Using the knowledge you gained last year complete the following task to the best of your ability:
1. MS Publisher - Create a cover for the front, back and spine of a 1 inch binder
- Front, Back, and Spine needs to be created
2. MS Word - Create a informational booklet on the 7 Natural Wonders
- At least 8 pages long 1 page for each wonder each page must include
- 5 pictures for each wonder
- 10 bulleted facts
- 20 sentence summary
3. MS Powerpoint - Presidential Candidate Powerpoint

Presidential Power Point

1. Title Slide

2. Birthday, Place of Birth

3. Family (Parents, Siblings)

4. Education (HS, College)

5. Military Service (if none skip)

6. Occupation held before political positions

7. Political positions before running for president

8. Marriage and family

9. Political Platform

10. Other Interesting Facts

11. Presidential Opponent

12. Works Cited Page

Now you would think that this project wouldn't be that difficult but it was like pulling teeth for them to get them all complete. I had students who never completed the assignment...

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